7th September 2018
They’re the people that keep the wheels turning. They’re not usually in the high-profile roles, and they certainly for the most part shun the limelight. But they’re the people you can rely on the most.
Payroll professionals are those who do great deeds every day, week or month, but receive little or no recognition for them. I could also name great reception staff who filter out nuisance calls and deal with all manner of oddities as they enter your workplace; Behind the scenes accounts staff who make sure that phone bills are paid and we get the money as a business we’re owed; the cleaners who come round night after night clearing up the nightmares that are left on peoples desks, leaving a clean workspace for you to do the same all over again the next day. There are many unsung heroes.
Is it time to say ’Thanks’ to the unsung heroes?
The process of paying someone may seem simple to colleagues in any business. It’s just about getting my salary in my bank account. Right?
Think again.
The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) as part of National Payroll Week (yes, there is one both in the UK and in the USA) identified that there are over 285 pieces of legislation impacting on payroll.
That’s 285 ways in which things can go wrong. Every time you get paid.
The CIPP’s annual awards celebrate those unsung heroes, as does ‘The Rewards’, celebrating the best unsung heroes in the Human Capital Management arena.
IRIS FMP supports unsung heroes both in the UK and internationally, and has been recognised at The Rewards by being shortlisted in four categories – Best Business, Payroll and HR Provider, Best Employer, and Service Provider Team Award.
Unsung Heroes -What can I do to?
Easy. In any business a simple thank you can go a long way with a colleague. Or nominate them an to internal recognition scheme, or tell their boss. Or if you have the ability and influence why not get together with your team and write up an award submission highlighting your unsung heroes.
So, come on. We’re taking a moment to recognise the unsung heroes in our industry. How about you?