18th December 2019
A new event on 11th February will bring together the best thinking, extensive expertise, and innovation for 2020. And, IRIS FMP will be on hand to advise on UK and international payroll and HR.
IRIS World 2020 will cover Accountancy, Payroll, HR, and Education. The speakers and agenda cover more than just legislation, with discussions on new initiatives that as a result will drive greater efficiencies in your organisation.
The event, at the ICC in Birmingham, is free to attend. For Payroll and HR people it builds on IRIS FMP’s recent Top 10 Issues for 2020 series, identifying the upcoming challenges in the industry.
Gary Webb, IRIS FMP’s Marketing and Communications Director commented “This is a must-attend event for anyone in payroll or HR. Coming so early in the year it starts to address the key challenges faced by organisations. In a post-election environment and leading up to a now certain Brexit it’s a great time to take stock. The event explores new ways to effectively deal with the latest legislative issues. In addition, by improving employee engagement and retention you’ll release more time to focus on your business. IRIS World 2020 will expand on the latest legislation impacting payroll in our Top Ten series, including new holiday pay changes and managing off-payroll workers via IR35. It’s a great free opportunity to grab new ideas and innovation to propel your business forward in 2020″
Innovation and expertise post-election
We enter 2020 with a greater certainty post-election.
The Brexit transition period is not expected to be extended beyond December 2020. The economy has received some much-needed breathing space over the next 6 months. Furthermore, business confidence should recover, and the outlook for domestic policy over the next five years is now relatively clear. Many firms will be able to now make sound business decisions. Moreover, the hiatus on investing in people, processes, and systems should end.
IRIS World takes place at The ICC Birmingham on 11th February 2020. Look forward with certainty in 2020.
Can’t Wait for Iris World 2020? Read our Top Ten Issues for 2020
Download our Top Ten UK Payroll Issues 2020 ebook today to:
- Plan for the upcoming changes;
- Learn where you can go for further information;
- Ensure your company isn’t going to fall victim to expensive, reputationally-damaging slip-ups.
Download our Top Ten UK HR Issues 2020 ebook today to learn about:
- Proposals to support families
- Changes to confidentiality clauses
- The Good Work Plan
- Plus more.

A Guide to Payroll Outsourcing
This guide aims to show you how payroll outsourcing works and key things you need to consider. This will give you a better idea of what to expect from the service and how it can benefit your business. At IRIS FMP we work with organisations from all sectors to ensure their payroll is processed accurately and on time. We know all there is to know about payroll outsourcing and how to make it work for you.