2nd December 2019
It’s that time of year again! We’re excited to bring to you our annual free ebooks, Top Ten UK Payroll Issues and Top Ten UK HR Issues, this time for 2020.
2019 has been dominated by Brexit and this continues into the new year, with uncertainty still at the forefront. But even if the rest of the country (and the world!) is waiting with baited breath for news, there is no scope for payroll teams to be paralysed. We must be prepared for all eventualities.
Covering topics such as parental bereavement leave, IR35 news, student loans and, of course, Brexit, our guide is a one-stop-shop for some of the key payroll issues that will be affecting us all next year.
And, for the first time ever, we are introducing our brand new ebook, Top Ten UK HR Issues 2020.
The guide covers key topics such as sexual harassment at work, unfair flexible working practices, written statements of employment, parental bereavement provision and much more. It is a must-read for anyone involved in HR and payroll.
Download our Top Ten UK Payroll Issues 2020 ebook today to:
- Plan for the upcoming changes;
- Learn where you can go for further information;
- Ensure your company isn’t going to fall victim to expensive, reputationally-damaging slip-ups.
Download our Top Ten UK HR Issues 2020 ebook today to learn about:
- Proposals to support families
- Changes to confidentiality clauses
- The Good Work Plan
- Plus more.

A Guide to Payroll Outsourcing
This guide aims to show you how payroll outsourcing works and key things you need to consider. This will give you a better idea of what to expect from the service and how it can benefit your business. At IRIS FMP we work with organisations from all sectors to ensure their payroll is processed accurately and on time. We know all there is to know about payroll outsourcing and how to make it work for you.