18th July 2016
IRIS FMP HR’s innovative Amity HR and payroll software is showing the way forward for cloud-based services, as a fully device-independent system which can be accessed via PC, tablet or phone while maintaining high levels of security. Here we look at some of the main advantages of cloud-based HR and payroll.
Accessibility on the Move
Many of us today expect to be able to access a whole range of services via the web and mobile apps wherever we are. We rely on being able to carry out internet banking, check our email or send an instant message not just when we are in the office or at home, but when we are out and about or travelling on public transport.
It therefore makes sense for HR and payroll information to be equally accessible, so that both HR departments and individual employees can check their personal information, such as shifts and individual calendars and also book holiday or access their latest payslip.
Amity makes all this possible by offering web browser access to the entire HR and payroll system, rather than operating via an app which provides access to only limited functionality. Offering a fully secure and reliable solution which utilises an array of advanced security features a whole range of different areas are available to access from a remote location, and it is even possible to run a payroll while on the go. This means if you get home and discover you have forgotten to do something, you can quickly resolve the issue there and then, rather than having to wait until you get back into the office.
Integration and Device Independence
Cloud based payroll and HR can easily and swiftly be integrated with one another. In some cases, such as Amity, HR and payroll can be included in a single database, which means there is no need to keep re-inputting the same information into both systems. This has clear advantages in terms of productivity and data integrity, since a lot of time can be saved by the improved efficiency and workflow.
Device independence can make a cloud based system more efficient still, by making it possible to start a task on one device and then alter or complete it on another, accessing the area of the system which applies to you.
Scalable and Tailored to You
A big advantage of cloud-based systems is scaleability. This means that, if a company grows or needs to take on more employees on short-term contracts at certain times of the year, a cloud system can easily adapt to accommodate this.
Amity from IRIS FMP HR and Payroll
Innovative mobile software, IRIS FMP Amity is a fully-integrated system, which operates from a single database and includes personalised dashboards. Because it is device independent with mobile responsive screens, you can call up your dashboard with equal ease on your PC at work, on a phone, laptop or tablet.
The fast, simple to use and intuitive design makes it easy for HR teams to get the full picture about an area of the business or a specific individual. For instance, you can examine and analyse performance levels and training needs for different departments and call up graphs or tables to show trends quickly. Equally, it is also possible to view particular employee’s calendars and holiday bookings allowing for informed decisions on subsequent employee requests to be made; and to set up and schedule appraisals and reviews.
People are sometimes nervous about using cloud based HR systems because of perceived concerns over security. However, state-of-the-art web based payroll and HR software, Amity has been built with security as a top priority, and its design incorporates a whole range of advanced features. For example, all information which can be viewed via Amity is encrypted to the highest level, and individuals using the employee self-service system must use a unique passcode, meaning they can access only their own details.
If you are looking for cloud based HR systems for your company, follow the link to find out more about Amity’s range of features and how we can work with you.