10 HR Websites and Resources You Should be Using

28th May 2019

work colleagues on computer

We understand better than anyone the challenges that come with HR management, particularly for small to medium sized businesses. That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you’re following and making use of these handy HR websites, resources and social blogs. With some sites offering free or paid for benefits, take a look at our top 10 HR websites to help you keep on top of the latest business-critical news and make your life a whole lot easier!

10 Human Resources Websites You Should Be Using in 2019

  1. HR Magazine
  2. HR News
  3. The HR Bartender
  4. Evil HR Lady
  5. Ask A Manager
  6. CIPD
  7. Workable
  8. SHRM
  9. HRcom
  10. IRIS FMP

Essential HR News

1) HR Magazine

HR Magazine was created to reach forward-thinking business leaders in HR, providing them with the very latest news and updates in the HR world. HR Magazine is your go-to publication online for the latest news and feature pieces surrounding Strategic HR, Operational Efficiency and Personal Development pieces.

If you don’t have time to visit the website every day, you can sign up to their daily newsletter to receive highlights via your inbox. An easy way to keep up to date with the latest global business-critical HR topics.

2) HR News

HR News covers, as you would expect, HR news, insight and opinions from across the UK and Wales. This is another news site to keep an eye on, with helpful guides and breaking stories emerging daily. Much like HR Magazine, you can sign up to their newsletter, which will arrive in your inbox on a weekly basis.


3) The HR Bartender

The HR Bartender is a dedicated HR blog written by Sharlyn Lauby, an HR professional who now spends her time working as an HR Consultant. She states her blog post is a friendly place to discuss workplace issues, and her topics cover everything from business and customers through to recruitment and retention.

In addition to her insightful blog posts, she also offers a number of resources which aim to help resolve everyday workplace issues and getting things done. For instance, you’ll find practical step by step advice for designing your company’s flexible workspace plan to assessing your company’s onboarding program.

4) Evil HR Lady

The Evil HR Lady blog sets out to demystify your HR department. Created by Suzanne Lucas, the blog is known for giving honest and blunt views on HR. This is a great blog post to follow for light-hearted HR topic coverage and discussion. You can also divert any questions her way and, if you’re lucky, get an answer.

5) Ask a Manager

This blog, written by Alison Green, aims to offer insight into how managers and interviewers think, using that to help readers navigate the workplace. Her blog covers a number of useful and sometimes difficult topics to approach in the workplace, including dealing with difficult co-workers and management. It’s offers fun, light-hearted posts that are easy to digest in a couple of minutes.

Knowledge & Templates


CIPD’s Knowledge Hub includes a host of helpful HR resources, from in-depth A-Z Factsheets to podcasts and webcasts. Whether you need information on employee benefits, overseas workers or employment law, you’ll find it here.

Membership is also available with CIPD. This gives members access to over 200 journals through EBSCO Discovery Service, and should you need advice at work regarding employment law, CIPD also offer an employment law helpline for members. They can provide advice on dismissal, discrimination, redundancy, collective labour law, contractual issues and legislation, when you need it.

CIPD’s HR-inform site is a handy site for customisable templates and tools. The site incorporates customisable model documents, policies, checklists, flowcharts and guides.

7) Workable

Workable have a selection of downloadable, free templates for HR Managers and personnel to use, from job offer templates to onboarding templates. Whether you’re looking for a job offer letter template, a new hire paperwork checklist or a business contract termination letter sample, Workable have you covered.

In addition to these handy templates, Workable also offer a number of step by step guides covering key aspects of recruiting and HR, for instance ‘How to write an employee handbook’ and ‘How to write a recruitment policy’.


SHRM is another site to include the latest HR news and articles covering topics from technology to staff retention. However, they also have sections of the site dedicated to events and an expansive resources section.

You’ll find samples for Interview Questions, Job Descriptions, Presentations, Policies, Employee Handbooks and more. Additionally, you’ll also find links to helpful directories in the industry.

9) HR.com

HR.com is renowned for its educational tools and resources – it’s trusted by 1 million+ HR professionals for a reason! You can activate free membership to access thousands of articles, webcasts and eLearning lessons. You’ll also gain access to free HR forms and compliance posters, joining a network of millions of other like-minded professionals.

Once you have membership, you’ll have access to a number of templates including complex documents such as disciplinary action policies and employee performance reviews.


IRIS FMP have a host of resources available for free, covering a number of HR and workplace topics. On IRIS FMP, you have access to a number of eBooks, brochures, guides and useful information covering topics such as managing absence in the workplace, motivating and retaining employees as well as maternity and paternity pay.

Our latest resource is our Top Ten Payroll Issues 2019 Guide, which you can download for free today.