20th December 2017
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2018 will be another tumultuous year for businesses and payroll teams as we get ever closer to Brexit. With Theresa May’s government coming under increasing pressure and EU laws destined to be assimilated into UK legislation there will be a great deal of change to think about.
Our guide explores key challenges such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the impact on businesses and payroll teams.
Auto enrolment for most businesses is now seen as old news. But it all kicks off again in 2018 with uplifts in minimum pension contributions
Whilst the legislative landscape continues to change some legislation is now being challenged, and this can have a direct effect on payroll. Read the latest on current challenges coming up in 2018. And with IR35 rules causing mass confusion in the public sector we ask what issues may face the private sector if this is extended in the Spring of 2018.
Of course all of this relies on a strong stable HMRC. Our guide on the critical issues facing payroll in 2018 gives our views on the state of digitisation in HMRC, and how it will affect you and your business.
Can I ignore it all?
That wouldn’t be wise. With non compliance being met with increased audit, naming and shaming from the regulators, you could be in for a rough ride in 2018. Ignorance will be no excuse, and the penalties could be huge.
The Key topics covered:-
- Continuing Brexit fallout
- GDPR – Pending apocalypse for business?
- Auto Enrolment rates uplift April 2018
- High Profile Legal challenges affecting payroll
- State Pension Age
- IR35 extending into the private sector
- HMRC reforms to hit buffers in 2018?
- What next for student loans@
- Minimum Wage non compliance headaches
- Termination Payment Changes
Payroll continues to become more complex. Download our guide now

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Want to find out the Top Ten Payroll Issues of 2019? Then go and download our newest version of our eBook here!