Author Archives: Jocelyn Levy

The UK supermarket climate has been transformed over the past few years with discount retailers such as Aldi and Lidl stealing the limelight, showing off their bargainous British produce and their audacious copycat packaging. Therefore it’s made a change over the last month to see the mainstream shops that have been a part of the […]

Payroll is a high importance, legislation-riddled responsibility in any business, regardless of size or sector. You could have one employee or one thousand, be a farm or a factory; your staff still have to be paid accurately and on time, every time. Thousands of companies choose to either fully or partly outsource their payroll so […]

The payroll department at any company is one of, if not the most important operation behind the business. We don’t want to pile on the pressure, but errors (however small) in payroll have the potential to cause employees huge problems, not just at work but in their life too – rent, mortgage, utilities and food […]

No, we can’t quite believe it either…yet another damning set of statistics have come to light, demonstrating extremely worrying (and illegal) attitudes towards women in the workplace. We’re not even 2 months into 2018 and this is already the second time we’ve had to address this on our blog! So, what’s happened this time? The […]

Back in November we reported on the gender pay gap in light of Equal Pay Day, and we touched upon the new law that states that employers in Great Britain with more than 250 employees must publish an array of figures about pay related to gender on the government website. In November the number of […]

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has revealed the names of 260 employers who failed to pay a total of 16,000 employees the minimum wage. The most prolific offenders were businesses in the retail, hairdressing and hospitality industries and their failures included not paying staff for travelling between jobs, making them pay for […]