Online Payslips – A Feature of
Payroll Services from IRIS FMP
Online Payslips is a feature from IRIS FMP’s comprehensive payroll services that will effectively minimise the amount of time involved in distributing staff payslips and substantially reduce the associated costs, without the financial commitment of a full self-service ERP system.
What are online payslips?
An online payslip is essentially an electronic version of the usual printed or paper payslip that an employee receives. Online payslips are available to access securely online from a company intranet or an employee self service facility. The term ePayslip is also commonly used to refer to electronic payslips; however these are slightly different to online payslips. ePayslips are instead emailed directly to an employee.
Once implemented by an organisation, online payslips will typically replace the traditional printed or paper type payslip that would have been produced. Current and historical versions of online payslips are usually available to access and if necessary print.
The technology infrastructure and software that enables organisations to implement self-service has been around for more than a decade, with most HR and Payroll providers offering a self-service module or facility that can be integrated with a HR and/or payroll system. But despite the efficiency improvements and cost-saving benefits making it a no-brainer, organisations have been slower to implement online payslips than might be expected.